05102022 - Original Michigan OIDV BlogSpot Was Hijacked - BREATHE - We're good

As many of you may have noted by now, Michigan OIDV blog @   http://michiganoidv.blogspot.com/ was hacked and thus shut down by Blogger on May 10th. 

This occurred after I received threatening emails on April 25th and 26th from an individual demanding I remove a post concerning a convicted abuser. I refused to remove the post/news articles/court documents from the blog - as I consider this a paper trail for the victim, whom I sincerely believe is still in danger, as is evident from a comment that was previously left on the post for said abuser:
"Even though X is in prison he is still messing with the victim through his family. It never ends. I 110% beleive that he killed his ex girlfriend, the mother of his son, and got away with it. I also believe he would of done the same again if he had the chance." 

The OIDV Project Of Michigan is fortunate to have an incredible computer guru. Not one post, OIDV case, document nor newspaper article was lost. Please read that again and breathe.

We also have incredible support from the Michigan LE community. The actions of the hacker(s) has not gone unnoticed. Please read that again and breathe.

Between our incredible computer guru and the LE community, we have vowed that the OIDV Project of Michigan is coming back stronger than ever, as we consider other formats for getting the voice of OIDV out there.

The OIDV Project Of Michigan survived - we're still here, stronger than ever.

Peace and love from the UP Northwoods,
Renee Harrington, Officer Involved Domestic Violence Project Of Michigan
